marți, 17 februarie 2009

Expoziţie de "valentine"

În cinstea zilei de Sfantul Valentin, elevii claselor V-VIII de la Şcoala Humoreni au organizat o mica expoziţie de "valentine", neuitând totuşi ca în curând va veni Dragobetele, adevărata sărbătoare românească a iubirii.
Expoziţia s-a realizat în cadrul restrâns al unei lecţii de limba engleză, pe holul şcolii, ca semn de solidaritate cu sărbătoarea tuturor acelora care trăiesc în spaţiul anglo-saxon.

Prof. Liliana Mihalachi

5 comentarii:

  1. I just don't know how you find time to do all these activities with your kids Liliana.

  2. I just have more time to spend with my pupils because I don't have a family or my own kids YET... and I am pretty enthusiastic about my job (it might be because I have been teaching for only 4 years... I can't say whether I'll have the same enthusiasm in 15 years' time). Besides that, my pupils are old enough not to totally depend on me when it comes to organizing something. They are aged between 10 and 15.

  3. Hi Liliana!
    Finally I found your post!wonderful slide with really nice and tender St. Valentine's cards. Surely your kids were enthusiastic doing them, usually at that age they (especially the girls) love harts and similar things.
    Congratulations for the blog, too!

  4. Hi Liliana!
    Wonderful slide with nice and tender St. Valentine's cards. Surely your kids were enthusiastic to do then generally they (especially girls) love hearts and similar things. Congratulations or all the blog!

  5. whoops!The hurry is always a bad counselor! How many mistakes in my comment!
